Thursday, May 03, 2007

Went to Vegas with the Vietnam Vets MC

Well, a lot has happened since my last entry. I have been "hanging around" with the Vietnam/Legacy Vets MC for a few weeks now, but I'm not an official "Hangaround" as of yet. I was invited to go to a regional meeting of the club's. It was in Vegas, and we rode down from Lake County, CA. It was a killer ride, with the exception of a crazy asshole trying to run us down on I-580, in Castro Valley. We were riding in a "side-by-side" formation of 6 bikes, when we came up to a slow car in the fast lane on a 2 lane overpass. He immediately started slamming on his brakes so hard that the rear end of his car is flying up in the air. It is a new, silver Chev Impala, with plastic dealer plates that say "Dub" on there(for Dublin Chevrolet). It was a black male driving, whom we could all identify now. After his intitial attempt to get us to hit the rear of his car, the "P" took a run around him to just continue on and ignore him. Then the car tried to run him down. At this point, we had just gotten through a junction, and the highway is 5 lanes wide. We were about to climb a hill toward Dublin, and no cars were ahead of us, so it was clear ahead, because all of the cars had hung back due this idiot. By this time, he is swinging his car across 3 and 4 lanes to try to hit us, and we are scattered around him. We backed off again, and this dude stops on the freeway to try and get us to catch up to run us down again. Then we rolled fast, toying with him as he tried to catch up, and then we started to catch up to traffic, and he raced up and mixed in with them to get away from us. The rider in front had just been rushed after a 3 lane offensive maneuver by the idiot, so he decided to pull over on the shoulder by the guardrail. When he did, another rider in our group didn't slow down in time, and side-swiped the one who'd already stopped. I was about 40 feet in front of this, and watched the HD Bagger bite the dust after the collision. The rider who was hit was sandwiched between the side-swiper and the guardrail, and smashed his leg. Once this all happened, I was parked and ran up to the one who bit it on the bagger. He was pinned beneath it, and another one of us was already trying to get the bike off of him. I ran up to help and on the way, passed up the rider whose leg had been squished. He was running as fast as he could, but was hurt too badly to run as fast as I was, so I got there, and helped the first guy on-scene to get the bike off this guy. We got it up, and him out, and his foot had been smashed, but was able to ride, and the bike was okay. We called CHP, and they came up and told us to pull off the next exit, and started to give him details, when he said we shouldn't even bother giving a report because we didn't have a plate number. It's very upsetting that this is the case, when this should have been consdidered Attempted Murder, and with all of the cameras we know are on that freeway, it wouldn't be very hard to find that scumbag. This idiot is an obvious danger to society, and should not be allow to drive. We did nothing to provoke him, yet he went off on us like we had been after him, and most definitely would have killed at least one of us if we weren't experienced riders. Well, after the cop "didn't" do his job, we continued on, made a stop in Tracy for gas, and then went just south of Modesto for a visit and some grub. The rider whose leg was crushed sat on a recliner, and when he put his leg up, we noticed it was swollen and bleeding. Everyone agreed he should go to the hospital, and they made him stay off the bike for the weekend, after he'd been preparing for the trip for months. It was a very sad thing having to leave him behind, but he was in good hands, while we continued on to Vegas. It was a crazy ride, with threats of rain almost every moment, but we actually only spent a total of about 15 minutes in the rain.
So, we arrived in Vegas, my bike never left the parking lot until that next Sunday, when we left for home. We were in the Hotel the entire weekend, and I met some of the best people I've ever had the pleasure of meeting. Everyone treated each other with respsect, and there was love everywhere. All bikes were safe with Prospects on duty, and I think our story of the crazy idiot was the worst travel story we heard out of all the other people who'd ridden or caged it to the event. Word of our experienced definitely preceeded us. There were many good suggestions as to how we may have dealt with the crazy ass in more "permanent" ways. With the exception of losing our brother from the pack, it was a great weekend. Thank you again, VNV/LEGACY VETS M/C. You guys are all awesome! This last weekend, this chapter of the club put on a charity "Spaghetti Dinner" for GI Moms. It raised over $11K for packages to be put together to be sent to our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. This money went straight to them, and the event went off without a hitch. Everyone had a great time, enjoyed the food, and all made it safely home. I am proud to have been a part of it. My Girl won about $200 worth of prizes in the raffle. During the event, the only negative comment I heard about was from a cop who mumbled something out of the window of his car as he drove by. I would like to also thank all of the people that donated any help, or prizes, and especially the food. The food had been donated by a local restaurant by the name of Zack's, and was spectacular. I was dying when I had to serve that spaghetti, and stand right next to the guy serving the spaghetti sauce, when I hadn't eaten since early that morning. Great stuff!
So, it is late, and I am tired. Good Night!

Sunday, April 01, 2007

The Couple of Weekend Rides

It's been great riding the past couple of weeks. The weather has been in our favor, especially for this time of year. This weekend was very busy. My "better half" spent the day with her son, and I went on a run to benefit a new fund called the "Fallen Rider's Fund". It was a great time, and everything went really well. I have a few photos of the event, and WHOA!, the cops were out in force.
I found it really strange on Friday, when I pulled into the bank parking lot downtown Kelseyville, and a Sheriff's deputy pulled in a minute after I did. Another motorcyclist, on a Road Star, also pulled in right after me, and parked immediately next to me. He happened to be someone I've known for a few years, and is an upstanding member of this community. I am a local, and I own a home here in Kelseyville. I am also a local business owner, and have no record whatsoever ("knock on wood"). The cop pulls right up behind our bikes once we're in the bank, and he gets on the radio and calls one, or both, of our plate in. I could see him reading them off into the mic. He wasn't trying to hide it, for sure. So, I thought it was strange, and I still feel harrassed buy it. It is disturbing to be "judged", or even "accused", merely by the fact that I ride a Harley-Davidson. It's sickening, and this blatant activity should be grounds for policy change, or punishment. I have nothing to hide, but still feel like I'm a criminal in a cops eyes because I wear leather and have a motorcycle that they don't have the heart to spend the money on. Many M/C's were founded on the very concept of "individual freedom", yet we're "prisoners of the system". It's IGNORANCE!!!!
I am not usually the "whiney baby" type, but either because of the fact that the Hell's Angels had their 50th Anniversary in Oakland this weekend, or because of the Vagos being the main sponsors of this run on Saturday, there were WAY more cops than there should've been. I saw cops almost literally on every other street corner all the way around Clear Lake. I heard several people mention at least 2 different CHP helicopters hovering over a few of the run's stops. As usual, in reality, people are actually safer than on an average day, and the "authorities" make it look like we're a bunch of terrorists. Grrrrr...that pisses me off. They had to have spent 10's or 100's of thousands of dollars for their little "show of force". I couldn't believe all of the unmarkeds driving right by us as we are standing outside the places we stopped on the poker run. It almost made it more fun, because the cops looked so stupid standing there when nobody's doing anything wrong, and it made us want to taunt them(lol). The good thing is, most of them were friendly, and they didn't start trouble with any of us. That was a surprise, but it made for a fun day, and no one went down, or got a ticket that I heard of. There were definitely hundreds of bikes, and the weather was perfect.
We ended the evening on Saturday by going to see Eddie Money at Konocti Harbor. He put on a great show. It was our friend's birthday, so we met up with several of our close friends and had a great time. HAPPY B-DAY B!!!
I will try to post some pics of the ride on this blog. Today we saw Disney's new movie with the bikers. It was great! Hats off to you guys!

Sunday, March 18, 2007

St Patrick's Day 2007- Hell's Angels Run

Hello to everyone. We had a killer weekend for St Patrick's Day. We went on the Sonoma County Hell's Angels Poker Run yesterday. It was a fine time. We started out at the Wagon Wheel Tavern in north Santa Rosa, and then we rode to downtown Sebastopol, and then to Gigi's in Santa Rosa, and finally to the clubhouse. Once we got to the clubhouse, they had a raffle with our run tickets (I even won a shirt!), and then a corned beef and cabbage dinner. It was a great time. As usual, no one got out of hand, and no one went down that I know of. I am not sure about the actual turn-out, but it was definitely in the hundreds. I never got to see the whole pack go by at one time, since I'd been given the honor of blocking, which was cool too. This was the first time I've "officially" blocked for an HA run, but I had a great time doing it. It's cool when you feel like you can get away with riding aggressively, and help people out in the process. There were a few dummies in rolling cages, but for the most part, people were in awe of the spectacle of the massive pack creating such a distinctive thunder. It is powerful, and I love being a part of it. Most of the time, when you're blocking intersections, the people in the cars are having a great time watching the river of shining chrome flow by. The kids in the cars are always excited. It's funny to watch the families in the cars, and the kids jumping up to watch over their parents' shoulders from the back seat. So, after hanging out at the clubhouse for a while, and winning the shirt, eating great grub, and enjoying all the other bikers' company, we headed home.
We had to ride back to Lake County from Santa Rosa, and we left right when it was just getting dark. It was also getting kind of chilly for those of us who can't ride in the cold(WAAAaaaa!). So, we went over Hwy 12 to Calistoga Rd to Calistoga, and then cut over to Hwy 29. We went over Mt St Helena on 29 to Middletown, and then the rest of the way to Lower Lake where we stopped at John Henry's Pub for a visit before my lady and I broke away toward home. The drastic temperature change when we hit Hidden Valley was a nice surprise. I think the temp rose about 8 degrees within a 20ft distance. So, we are getting ready to go for a ride now, so I will get back to this later. I hope you're all out riding right now. Read this later! ;)

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Well, I have been very bad about blogging for a few months now. This is mainly due to the weather, and the fact that I bought a new "2007 Harley-Davidson FLHX Street Glide" in November 2006. I went into McGuire's Harley-Davidson in San Ramon, CA after a refi, and saw the same model, color, and add-ons that I'd been looking for...fresh off the truck. I said,"Sign me up!"
The day after I first saw it, I picked it up. Today is the 15th of March, 2007, and I just finished doing the 5000 mile service today. When I first picked it up from the dealer, it had 6 miles on it. It's been a great 5K miles so far, but they were wetter than I would've liked. I haven't dropped the bike, nor have I had any "close-calls" as of yet(KNOCK ON WOOD>>>). Now the plan is to try to make Sturgis this summer. We are also going to try and make the Laughlin weekend with some friends. My lady wants to get a new SoftTail, so who am I to stop her? We have a Hells Angels St Patrick's Day run this Saturday, and lots of events coming up in the weeks ahead. I will make a real effort to blog more often this season, and maybe someone will read this and recognize my writing skills and offer to finance a European Motorcycle Expedition for me :D

Love and Respect